Hope with a New Start to 2022
A fresh start can happen at any given moment that we choose. The first day of the new calendar year feels a bit bigger. This is probably...
Living with Grief
For some people the holidays are really tough and it's hard to pretend that you are in gratitude or happy that the holidays are here....
Good or Bad? Does the Universe Really Care?
What if there really isn't good or bad, maybe it's just our perception or judgement that makes it so. In nature and in life, my believe...
The Moon Card
The Moon Card Why is it so hard just to be yourself, your authentic self and not be afraid to show it? Speaking my truth and being...
Divine Lover
Standing at the edge of time before my Divine Creator. Craving the innocent wholeness of my soul, and I ask. What will bring me back to...
Loss, Relationships & Grieving
I do not claim to be any kind of authority on loss and grief. The only thing I can do is give insight and share my journey. There is...
So many people are either in fear or anger right now with what has happened in our country. Inner Peace Is The Way To Happiness Don't...
Breaking the Chains of My Past
Living from love means living from my heart. Making choices that feel true from that deep place inside of my heart. The truth of what is...
Mindful Adjustment
Everything is amazing and I am happy. There is something wrong and I'm not happy. These two statements are thoughts that can go through...
Just Let it Go and Let Them Be
As I contemplate the past few years and even weeks there are still patterns I want to release that have been with me for this lifetime...